Union Co. Fiscal Court Magistrates Approve Jail’s Amended Attendance Policy

Union County Fiscal Court magistrates approved an amendment to the Union County Jail’s attendance policy during Tuesday morning’s meeting.

Magistrate Joe Clements sat in for Judge Executive Jody Jenkins who was absent from the meeting. He called upon Jailer Shawn Elder to explain to the court his request for the jail attendance policy to be amended. Under the current policy, Jailer Elder told the court an unexcused absence is working less than eight (8) hours, but he wants to increase it so that it’s not abused by jail employees.

Magistrates unanimously approved his request.

In other business, Trey Pedley of GRADD informed magistrates one of seven Homeowner Rehabilitation contracts would need to be amended because the homeowner wants to rebuild on a spot not recommended by the contractor, which would have caused a $1,500 difference. However, he stated a compromise was reached but there was still a slight price difference of $500. He indicated the purpose of the amended contract is to protect the county from having to spend money unnecessarily.

Magistrates unanimously approved the amended contract.

In other business, Brother Jerry Manning gave magistrates an overview of St. Anthony’s Hospice and how many Union Countians have utilized its care. He then asked the court if they would consider supporting St. Anthony’s Hospice by purchasing one of ten beds needed.

If the court approves furnishing the bed, Brother Manning said a plaque would be placed on the bed indicating Fiscal Court had purchased it. No action was taken. Magistrate Joe Wells liked the idea, but stated he felt they should wait until Judge Jenkins returned and take a look at the budget.

And Director Kathy Baird gave magistrates an update regarding the Union County Dog Pound. I’ll have more on that coming up Thursday.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the courthouse.

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