Sturgis City Council Approves FY 2017 Budget, Amended FY 2016 Budget

During a brief special called meeting Friday at noon, Sturgis City Council reviewed and voted on the first reading of the Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2016 and the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017.

Council members unanimously approved the Amended Budget Fiscal Year 2016 that shows total estimated revenues of $355,845, total estimated revenues of $138,191, with a total estimated fund balance for the fiscal year of $217,654.

In addition, council members unanimously approved the first reading of the Budget Fiscal Year 2017 that shows total estimated revenues of $2,369,817, total appropriations of $2,159,912, with a estimated fund balance for the fiscal year of $312,323.

Sturgis City Clerk Cindy Carr tells me Councilwoman Dr. Kate Brown was absent from the special called meeting.

The second readings of both ordinances will be held Monday, June 20, 2016, at 5:15 p.m. at the Sturgis Council Chambers.

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