On Wednesday June 2, 2021 Detectives with the Kentucky State Police arrested Michael A. Roche, 19, at his residence in Dawson Springs and charged him with complicity to murder. This investigation is ongoing and anyone with information is still encouraged to contact the Kentucky State Police.
Dawson Springs, Ky. (Hopkins County) – On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, around 1:19 AM, the Kentucky State Police Post 2, Madisonville was requested by the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Department to investigate a shooting on Hosick Avenue in Dawson Springs.
Preliminary investigation revealed that Dakota Carter, 16, of Dawson Springs had suffered a gunshot wound. Dakota was transported to Baptist Health Hospital in Madisonville, then flown by helicopter to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN where he succumbed to his injuries.
The investigation is ongoing and foul play is suspected. If anyone has any information regarding this investigation, call the Kentucky State Police Post 2 at 270-676-3313 or you can remain anonymous by calling 1-800-222-5555 or using the KSP app on your smartphone or tablet.