HCC FAME Mentoring Academy Celebrates Completion of Inaugural Cohort for UCHS students

HENDERSON, Ky. – The first-ever HCC Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) Mentoring Academy recently celebrated the completion of its inaugural cohort.

This unique program was custom-designed for Union County High School (UCHS) students to obtain hands-on training and career exploration opportunities in the skilled trades.

During the 10-week program, students were mentored by current and former HCC FAME students. The 13 UCHS students attended workshops on workplace safety and job interviewing. Plus, they had the opportunity to observe HCC welding and motor controls classes, as well as tour HCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Labs featuring state-of-the-art robotics equipment. Several local manufacturers, including Gibbs Die Casting, Vibracoustic, Audubon Metals, and Pratt Industries, hosted the group for a tour of their facilities.

A grant from the Kentucky Advising Academy funded the 2024 HCC FAME Mentoring Academy. It is one of 17 mini-grants awarded to Kentucky K-12 public schools and area technology centers to support

postsecondary readiness advising. The grant was written by Nichole Thomas from UCHS, with assistance from Janice Fenwick and Margie McGraw.

“With its unique combination of classroom training and workplace visits, the HCC FAME Mentoring Academy gave these students a much better understanding of potential careers in the skilled trades,” said HCC President/CEO Dr. Jason Warren. “We appreciate all of our Union County partners and HCC staff who helped make it a reality.”

At its celebration luncheon, the group heard from Matt Vanderpool, Electrical and Instrumentation Supervisor at the Pratt Industries Mill in Henderson, and current president of the HCC FAME Board. This industry-led

group of manufacturing and educational professionals helps support and guide the HCC FAME program.

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