The Green River Area Development District (GRADD) workforce development team is offering scholarships to qualified individuals seeking to be trained for jobs in certain high-demand career fields.
Eligible applicants may receive up to $5,000 annually in scholarship funding to pay for tuition at area colleges and universities, whether they are currently enrolled or planning to attend.
Scholarships are available in the following industry sectors:
- Energy
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Health Care and Social Assistance
- Transportation
- Finance
- Professional, Scientific and Technical
This program is funded by the Green River Workforce Development Area with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds (Equal Education and Employment Opportunities).
Scholarship orientation meetings are held weekly in Owensboro and Henderson. See the list of orientation times below and attend a meeting that best fits your schedule.
- Kentucky Career Center-Owensboro – 3108 Fairview Drive: every Tuesday at 1:30 pm and Thursday at 9:30 am
- Kentucky Career Center–Henderson – 212 N. Water Street: by appointment only
- Henderson Community College – 2660 South Green Street in the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (located in the administration building): every Tuesday at 10 am – please call to RSVP
For more information or to attend a scholarship orientation, please contact Alisha Smith at or (270) 686-2546. Scholarship application can also be obtained at