PADUCAH, Ky. (October 23, 2023) – Normal traffic flow has been restored along U.S. 62 in Marshall County between I-24 Calvert City Exit 7 and Kentucky Dam where a truck spilled chicken waste along the roadway Monday morning.
The spill was reported around 8:30 a.m. The chicken offal created slick, as well as smelly, driving conditions along U.S. 62 in Marshall County from mile point 8.830 at the I-24 Exit 27 Ramps extending eastward through the U.S. 641 interchange to the 12-mile marker near Kentucky Dam.
The KYTC Marshall County Highway Maintenance Crew spread salt along the spill to help dissolve the greasy waste and provide traction. They completed their work around 10:30 a.m.
Motorists should be aware that it may take several hours for the salt to fully remove the chicken offal from the roadway. The smell may stick around longer.
KYTC District 1 is asking anyone with information on the truck that caused the spill to contact Kentucky State Police, Marshall County Sheriff’s Department or KYTC District 1. The chicken waste is often hauled in open top trucks, allowing the smelly waste to spill. KYTC personnel have been called out about four times in the last several months to respond spilled chicken waste.
Again, salt spread along the roadway where the chicken waste spilled will take several hours to work through the material to remove it.
This section of U.S. 62 between Exit 27 and Kentucky Dam is open to normal traffic flow at this time.