WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved S.J. Res. 23 and S.J. Res. 24 – resolutions identical to H.J. Res. 71 and H.J. Res. 72 introduced by Subcommittee on Energy and Power Chairman Ed Whitfield (KY-01) – aimed at keeping electricity affordable and reliable for ratepayers around the country. The Obama administration is seeking to change the way electricity is generated, consumed, and distributed throughout the United States through two final rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency that place unprecedented regulations on both new and existing fossil-fuel fired power plants. To date, 27 states have filed challenges to the rule on existing plants and 23 states are challenging the rule for new plants. These resolutions are about keeping electricity prices affordable, protecting jobs, and maintain grid reliability.
Chairman Whitfield commented, “Both of these measures pose a serious risk to the nation’s electricity system and any person or business that has to pay an electric bill should be very concerned. Unilateral EPA micromanagement of electricity generation as embodied in these rules is a recipe for higher prices, reduced reliability, and job losses that are well out of proportion to any climate benefits. I’m glad a majority of members in the House stood with the American people and voted to protect American ratepayers from higher electricity prices.”