Whitely Co. Schools sued over boy’s death

WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. (AP) — The parents of a Whitley County Schools student who struck and killed by school bus have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the school district.

Media outlets report the lawsuit, filed by John Wesley and Jennifer Williams Chatham on March 22, says 10-year-old Jonathan Chatham was killed because of a bus operated in a “grossly negligent and reckless manner.”

The incident occurred March 23, 2015. A police report says the boy had “exited the bus, but not cleared the bus when it began to pull out.”

The lawsuit doesn’t seek a specific amount of damages. However, it asks for a trial by jury, damages in the form of medical expenses, pain and suffering and other fees.

Whitley Schools attorney Tim Crawford says the district has received the complaint and forwarded it to its insurance company.


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