The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services also known as CMS awarded 5 star ratings
for hospitals nationwide based on their overall performance.
CMS released its Hospital Quality Star Ratings for 2022 and The Women’s Hospital
received a 5-Star rating along with 429 other hospitals around the nation.
In Indiana, The Women’s Hospital was one of 12 hospitals to receive the 5-star rating.
“As The Perinatal Center, our team strives to provide exceptional care to women and infants
within the Tristate,” says Chris Ryan, CEO of The Women’s Hospital. “We are honored that
CMS recognizes the continued success of our compassionate, caring staff and exceptionally
talented physicians.”
The Hospital Quality Star Rating outlines a different variety of measures across 5 different areas
of quality into a single-star rating for each hospital.
The star ratings and other general hospital information appear on the hospital compare website.
The website reveals information that can help people find other hospitals and compare data
information to other hospitals in the nation. https://www.medicare.gov/care-compare/