In light of the tragic aftermath from the severe weather that swept across the Commonwealth last weekend, instead of delivering season’s greetings and wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, my message takes a different tone. I pray that your Christmas season is filled with love and blessings and you will remember the reason for the season. However, as we all know, many of our fellow Kentuckians, including some here in the 4th State Senate District, are facing unimaginable pain, grief, and loss.
For many, the seasonal festivities that make Christmas so joyful will not be their experience this year. The days, weeks, and months ahead will prove difficult in ways most can never imagine. That is why we must unite as one Kentucky, and work together to bring hope, love, and peace to those who lost so much in a matter of hours. For a great example of our state’s united response, look to the Team Western Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund that has received over $4 million in contributions to help Kentuckians impacted by severe weather. Visit TeamWKYReliefFund.ky.gov to make a contribution. All donations to the fund are tax-deductible.
I have been amazed by the outpouring of support from all over Kentucky, America, and the world. Communities and organizations are rallying behind west Kentucky’s recovery efforts. Fundraisers, supply donations, and organized drop-off and delivery sites are benefiting our region in our hour of need. I headed to Princeton, in the southern part of Senate District 4 last Saturday and witnessed the damage first hand. To all who are helping provide relief, I sincerely thank you.
Coming off the heels of the pandemic, many who have been personally impacted are understandably facing challenging times. There is much we can do as a community to ease the pain of the losses suffered. Lend a helping hand at your local shelter or supply distribution center. Consider donating to Toys for Tots as a way to provide Christmas to a child who has been forever affected by this tragedy. With Christmas right around the corner, there are children who have lost so much. Brighten their holiday by visiting governor.ky.gov/toydrive to learn how you can donate a toy, book, or gift card.
One of the most critical contributions we can all make is to give blood. The blood supply is dangerously low. Please visit redcross.org and schedule a time to donate blood if you are able. Finally, join me in lifting up our neighbors in prayer.
The devastation experienced in our communities impacted by this natural disaster will weigh heavily on all of us this holiday season. Let us be grateful for the blessings in our lives, including those who are there for us in moments of need —be it family, friends, neighbors, or strangers offering a helping hand. We cannot undo the tragedies that have occurred across the Commonwealth; we can choose to be a positive force for recovery as a united Kentucky.
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Note: Senator Robby Mills (R-Henderson) represents the 4st District, including Caldwell, Crittenden, Henderson, Livingston, Union, and Webster Counties. Senator Mills serves as the Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on State and Local Government. He also serves as a member of the Senate Standing Committees on Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection; Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor; and is a Liaison member on the Budget Review Subcommittee on General Government, Finance, and Public Protection. Additionally, Senator Mills serves as a member of the Public Pension Oversight Board.