First District Congressional candidate Republican Michael Pape attended the annual Farmer City Breakfast at the Union County Extension Office Thursday morning and afterward he stopped by the radio station to discuss his conservative Kentucky values.
Pape told me there was a great turnout at the ag breakfast. He also shared his background in agriculture.
Pape said the attack on coal by the Obama administration is a major concern to him. He will be attending a Town Hall meeting on coal in Madisonville at the Eddie Ballard Convention Center where he stated he would be sharing what is at stake right now for the country’s economy, if the attack on coal continues.
He also stated the attack on coal is going to continue unless the citizens of the United States elect a President and Congress that understands the importance of coal.
Another major topic of concern for Kentucky residents is healthcare, specifically the Affordable Care Act, that he wants to repeal.
He also wants to let our listeners know that he is a very conservative Ronald Regan republican. He has many years of experience working side by side with 1st District Congressman Ed Whitfield. However, if elected, Pape says he will not move to the nation’s Capitol.
Pape also shared a little more about his background. He is married and has three children.
Michael Pape also wants to let our listeners know he has been endorsed by former Kentucky Farm Bureau State President and Union County resident Bill Sprague, and First District Congressman Ed Whitfield.