EVANSVILLE, IN – As COVID-19 numbers continue to decline in the region, member hospitals of the
Community Patient Safety Coalition of Southwestern Indiana/Kentucky will increase inpatient visitation over the course of this week.*
Hospitalized patients will be able to receive two adult (age 18 or older) visitors per day. These visitors must screen for COVID-19 symptoms or exposure, and then register when they arrive; the two designated visitors may see the patient together or separately throughout the day. Masking will be required for all
visitors. Current visitor restrictions for outpatient and emergency departments, NICUs, and patients in isolation, will remain in place at this time. Additionally, coalition member hospitals have specific processes in place for end-of-life visitation.
The decision to increase visitation for inpatients was made due to the encouraging reduction of COVID19 infections and hospitalizations in the region. Hospitals have returned to normal operations, and with
continued masking, social distancing, and the hospitals’ specialized infection prevention efforts,
inpatients can safely receive additional comfort and care from loved ones.
Regional schools will soon have spring break, and the Easter holiday is approaching. If these events lead
to increases in COVID-19 prevalence and hospitalizations, visitation policies may change again.
Hospitals will be increasing visitation at some point this week, and may have varying visiting hours, so
check hospital websites or call ahead for specific details.
*Due to their specific patient population, Select Specialty Hospital will continue to limit inpatient visitors
to one per day.
Community Patient Safety Coalition Hospitals Include:
Daviess Community Hospital
Deaconess Health System (Indiana & Kentucky)
Good Samaritan Hospital
Encompass Health Deaconess Rehabilitation
Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center
Select Specialty Hospital
Ascension St. Vincent Evansville
Ascension St. Vincent Warrick
St. Vincent Orthopedic Hospital
The Women’s Hospital