Mike Pape, who is now a candidate for Congress to replace the retiring 1st District Congressman Ed Whitfield, has announced his plan to modernize and replace an outdated VA Healthcare system.
Pape, former District Director for Whitfield, says the 1930’s era VA Healthcare system does not work for today’s veterans and their families, and it fails miserably to deliver timely and quality healthcare to our Nation’s Veterans.
He states in a release he is going to lead the way to change that as the next Congressman for the First Congressional District by transforming an outdated system care to the very best our country has to offer its heroes.
The Pape Plan for veteran’s healthcare will issue a veteran’s service card that will enable veterans to be cared for by the doctor and hospital of their choice without requiring them to report to a Veterans Administration hospital many times hours away from home. According to Pape, veterans will no longer wait weeks and months for appointments and there care will be immediate, of the highest quality, and paid for in full by our Nation.
According to the release, the Pape Plan for Veterans healthcare will close aging VA hospitals within 2 years and transition all Veterans care to private healthcare providers and hospitals, and mental health and traumatic brain injury healthcare services will be enhanced and fully funded.
Pape says, “As we approach Veteran’s Day, let us never forget to thank our veterans for making it possible for all of us to live, worship, work and play in this great land of freedom, liberty and opportunity for all that we call America. God Bless our Veterans and may God continue to bless America.”