The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet plans daytime lane restrictions on the US 41 Twin Bridges at Henderson starting Monday, October 10, 2016.
Daytime lane restrictions for both northbound and southbound traffic are to allow fall deck cleaning and maintenance on the bridges. The work will include clearing of drains, removing accumulated debris, and use of a vacuum truck to remove trash along the gutter line.
A work zone lane restriction for both northbound and southbound traffic is expected to go up starting at 8 a.m., CDT, each day. The lane restrictions will be removed by about 3 p.m., each day.
On Monday, all traffic will move to the left-hand or passing lane in the work zone to allow cleaning and maintenance along the driving lane. If all work goes as planned on Monday, all traffic will be moved to the right-hand or driving lane on Tuesday to allow cleaning and maintenance along the passing lane.
Motorists should be alert for slowing and merging traffic as they approach the US 41 Twin Bridges.
By putting crews on both bridges at the same time, maintenance personnel hope to complete the work by Wednesday afternoon.
The US 41 Twin Bridges, also known as the Bi-State Viet Nam Gold Star Memorial Bridges, are located at US 41 mile point 19.649 about a mile south of the Kentucky-Indiana State Line. They carry approximately 40,000 vehicles per day across the Ohio River between Henderson, KY, and Evansville, IN.
The bridges are located about a mile downstream from the confluence of the Green River and the Ohio River at Ohio River navigation mile point 786.8.
The northbound bridge was opened to traffic on July 4, 1932. The southbound bridge was opened to traffic on December 16, 1965.
The Twin Bridges have a total length of 5, 393.6 ft. with a 720 ft. main navigation span. The bridge superstructure is a Warren cantilevered through-truss design.