WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor on Monday regarding national democrats’ continued assault on Kentucky coal miners, their families, and their jobs:
“When President Obama was a candidate, he boasted that his energy tax policies would make electricity prices ‘skyrocket’ for American families. When President Obama took office, his administration declared a war on coal families and their jobs.
“For a time, his administration tried to deny it was declaring a war on anyone.
“Now, we hear boasting from the highest ranks of the Democratic Party that these policies are going to put coal miners out of business.
“Miners in Kentucky and across the country know that coal keeps the lights on and puts food on the table. What they want is to provide for their families, but here’s how more Democrats seem to view these hardworking Americans and their families: just statistics, just the cost of doing business, just obstacles to their ideology.
“This is callous, it’s wrong, and it underlines the need to stand up for hardworking, middle-class coal families.
“That’s what I’ve done here in the Senate. That’s what I’ll continue to do. I ask colleagues to join me.”