Morganfield’s Police Chief Resigns

Morganfield’s Police Chief has resigned amid an ongoing investigation.

WMSK News obtained a letter from Mayor Dickie Berry this morning that states as follows:

“This letter is to inform you that I, Dickie Berry, have accepted your written resignation as Police Chief of the City of Morganfield effective immediately.”

The letter goes on to say:

“This action is being taken due to evidence provided to the City Council and Mayor demonstrating your engagement in activities and conduct that adversely has effected [sic] your judgement [sic] in performing [sic] your job duties. Further investigation is being conducted.”

Bolds has been an officer with the Morganfield Police Department for over 10 years.

Bolds was suspended for two weeks from July 7, 2016 to July 21, 2016 and was scheduled to return to work Friday, July 22, 2016 at 8:00 a.m., a story first reported by WMSK News.

No other information is being released at this time due to the ongoing investigation.

WMSK News will continue to keep you updated.



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