Morganfield Fire Department Chief Rick Millikan was among nearly 200 city officials from across the Commonwealth recently recognized for their educational achievement during the City Officials Training Center, or COTC, Awards Program at the 2016 KLC Conference & Expo.
The City Officials Training Center is a voluntary educational program administered by the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC). According to a release, city officials can complete education levels by attending KLC events and by submitting outside training credit from other municipal training. There are three levels of achievement: Level I – Achievement in City Governance, Level II – Excellence in City Governance, and Level III – Masters of City Governance.
Chief Millikan was among 104 city officials this year that received the Level I Achievement in City Governance award. State officials say this honor requires the city official to attend 30 hours of approved training with one hour of ethics training.
Some other city officials in the WMSK listening area also received the Level I Achievement in City Governance award. They included:
City of Dixon Mayor, Carolyn Townsend
City of Henderson Code Administrator John Stroud
City of Henderson Development Liaison, Theresa Richey
City of Madisonville City Clerk, Leslie Curneal
In the release, KLC Deputy Executive Director J.D. Chaney said, “The COTC program provides a variety of training that better equips city leaders across the state to serve their local communities”. With this achievement and the amount of training it represents, he noted that citizens are the real winners because our communities are reaping the benefits of better informed leaders.