During last night’s regular meeting, Morganfield City Council heard several presentations, the annual Audit Report of Financial Statements, and Mayor Dickie Berry asked the media to relay a message to the public.
Due to the closing of the landfill in Union County, Mayor Dickie Berry made the following statement:
Councilmen also heard details of the Audit Report of Financial Statements for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 as presented by Martin McElroy and Todd Bowley of McElroy, Mitchell & Associates. McElroy said the audit went well and there was a big impact this year related to the fact the City participated in the state’s retirement system. Beginning this year, due to a governmental accounting standard, McElroy stated they now are required to report the City’s portion of governmental and liability operations of over 3-million dollars, the City’s percentage of the state’s liability of over 3-billion dollars. Otherwise, he said there were no findings in the audit other than the two findings from previous years.
Mark Askins of Strand Associates, Inc. in Louisville presented the bids received for the Water Treatment Plan Aerator Replacement project. He informed councilmen bids were very competitive, but they were higher than they anticipated. He says the lowest bid was $398,100 Scott & Ritter of Bowling Green.
Regarding the raw water line, if the City obtains a U.S.D.A. loan the water system cannot afford it without a rate change.
Mayor Berry stated there is no guarantee they would tell them to increase the rate, but it is more probable. According to the spokesman, based on the existing rates, they would require a rate increase. After a discussion, councilmen decided to submit the bid “as is” and forward it with the U.S.D.A. application for a loan.
Mike Gabhart with Unified Technologies and David Hagan with Time Warner presented a proposal to upgrade the phone system at City Hall and the police and fire departments. After the presentation, Councilman Gary Lovell said this was a good savings for the City.
Councilmen unanimously approved the proposal.
During another presentation, Frank Eiter of Integrated Building Services in Morganfield said he had received ten bids for the proposed Police Department build-out project. After a discussion of the bids and materials, he indicated the project could probably be completed for around $205,000. After Councilman Dr. Darryl French stated he would like the finance committee to meet to discuss the project before bids were finalized, all other councilmen agreed.
In other business, councilmen unanimously approved a grant of $3,000 the awarded from the Kentucky League of Cities based on the Phase II Sidewalk Trip Hazard Repair Proposal by Precision Concrete Cutting, and a 5 percent match of $23,000 of a $460,000 Grant for a new fire truck, if granted.
And Sylvia Robinson was presented a watch by Mayor Berry. Robinson recently retired from Union County 911 after nearly 20 years of service as a telecommunicator, a story you first heard reported by WMSK News on December 31, 2015.
The next regularly scheduled Morganfield City Council meeting will be held Thursday evening, February 25, 2016 at 6:00 at City Hall.