A public official in Crittenden County has been arrested on drug and other charges.
According to Kentucky State Police, the U.S. Postal Inspector notified KSP’s Drug Enforcement/Special Investigations Branch of suspected drug trafficking involving 55 year old Mark Bryant, the Marion City Administrator.
During the investigation, detectives interviewed various individuals including Bryant. They say the investigation revealed that while overseeing the Crittenden County Detention Center Work Release Program, Bryant was trafficking in synthetic drugs to various inmates while on work release. Police report Bryant was also defacing shipping labels on U.S. Postal Service packages to avoid detection of drug trafficking.
Bryant was reportedly taken into custody around 10:00 p.m. Thursday and lodged in the Crittenden County Detention Center charged with Trafficking in Synthetic Drugs, Promoting Contraband, and Tampering with Physical Evidence.
The case is still under investigation.
(Image: Crittenden Co. Detention Center)