Local Utility Plans Rolling Roadblock on I-69 in Webster County on April 14

MADISONVILLE, Ky. (April 01, 2024) – Big Rivers Electric, a utility provider in Henderson County, has planned a project that will result in rolling roadblocks on I-69 in Webster County on Sunday, April 14, 2024.

The utility will be slowing traffic on the north and southbound sides of the interstate between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. on that day to install a new overhead utility line at the 133.5 mile mark, one mile south of the Sebree interchange.

During the rolling roadblock, Big Rivers doesn’t plan to stop traffic completely, but motorists should still expect brief delays. Traffic will likely be slowed down enough to allow for a section of the interstate to be temporarily cleared long enough for the utility to hang a new electric line.

Around 11,165 vehicles utilize this section of Interstate 69 on a daily basis.

Appropriate caution is required where equipment, flaggers, and personnel are along the roadway in close proximity to traffic flow.

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