It’s an updated one-stop shop for project news and information

Henderson, Ky. (July 11, 2022) – With progress continuing on both sides of the river, the I-69 Ohio River Crossing (I-69 ORX) is launching a new and improved project website. It includes new maps, photos and updated project information.
The updated website can be found at the same location, Visitors to the new site are encouraged to sign up to receive project updates by email or text. Those alerts will include traffic updates for ORX Section 1 with construction getting underway in Henderson.
I-69 ORX is divided into three sections for construction. Gov. Andy Beshear joined local leaders last month to break ground on I-69 ORX Section 1 in Henderson. It extends from KY 425 to US 60. I-69 ORX Section 1 includes a more than six-mile extension of I-69, new interchanges with US 41 and US 60 and a reconstructed KY 351 interchange. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is overseeing Section 1. Construction will continue through 2025.
I-69 ORX Section 2 is a bistate project between Indiana and Kentucky that will complete the I-69 connection from US 60 in Henderson to I-69 in Evansville. It includes the new river crossing. Design is expected to begin in 2025 with construction anticipated to begin in 2027 and continue through 2031. Both states continue to look for opportunities to accelerate the timeline.
I-69 ORX Section 3 includes the approach roadways and bridges in Indiana, including a new interchange at I-69 and Veterans Memorial Parkway. The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is overseeing Section 3. Design development is continuing with geotechnical and survey work underway. Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and end in 2027.
The new site makes it easy to find information on each of the three sections of the project.