Green River District Health Department is continuing to vaccinate in tiers 1A and 1B, which includes health care workers, first responders, daycare workers, and those 70 years of age or older. As vaccine quantities and available appointment times allow, persons in Phase 1C with an emphasis on those aged 60 and older may also be scheduled to ensure our vaccination sites are administering 90% or more of all vaccine doses within 7 days of arrival. Visit or call your local county health
department to be placed on our waiting list.
“The vaccine will save lives. It is important for us to get as many people vaccinated as soon as we can,” said Clay Horton, GRDHD Public Health Director. “As we move into the next phase of our response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for us to continue to practice the three “W’s: wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance to protect yourself and those around you. This is crucial
when interacting with anyone outside of your household, including friends, extended family, coworkers, and in public settings. Do not host or attend gatherings of any kind. Leaders of organizations like
churches, team coaches, and workplace supervisors are encouraged to lead by example and make wise decisions to protect those for whom you are responsible.”
Additional information is available from the sources below.
Kentucky residents can visit to determine which phase they are in, find a vaccine location,
and sign-up for update notifications.
Kentucky COVID-19 vaccine dashboard and information:
Kentucky COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline: 800-722-5725 can answer general COVID-19 vaccine questions.