Green River Area Development District (GRADD) has partnered with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to help people with Medicare in our region improve their financial outlook by enrolling in programs that save money on health care, prescriptions, food, and more.
Nationally, half of all people with Medicare live on incomes less than $24,150/year, and often lack the resources needed to meet basic living expenses. Several programs exist to help these individuals, but many people do not know how to apply for assistance.
“GRADD has a strong history of helping vulnerable residents in Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union, and Webster counties,” said GRADD executive director Jiten Shah. “We’re proud to be part of a national network of centers that since
2009 has helped over 700,000 low-income seniors and younger adults with disabilities to save over half a billion dollars and achieve long-term financial stability.”
GRADD is one of 49 community organizations across the country awarded grants to serve as Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs). BECs are supported with funding from the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, administered through the U.S. Administration for Community Living.
BECs use NCOA’s free online BenefitsCheckUp® tool ( to screen lower income seniors, and younger adults with disabilities, for a number of benefits—including Medicare Savings Programs, Part D Extra Help, and the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—and to help them apply for and use those benefits.
To see if someone you know qualifies for assistance, please visit or call 1-800-928-9094.