FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 28, 2021) – On Wednesday, Gov. Andy Beshear announced 1,742,037 Kentuckians have received at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
“This week, I’ve visited a few of our state’s most unique vaccination sites – from a mobile clinic run out of an emergency management van that can meet people where they are, to a pop-up clinic at a professional soccer game,” said Gov. Beshear. “No matter where you are, there’s a convenient, and sometimes even fun, place where you can get your shot of hope, protect yourself and save lives.”
Kentuckians should visit vaccinemap.ky.gov to find a COVID-19 vaccination site near them.
Case Information
As of 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 28, Gov. Beshear reported the following COVID-19 numbers:
Kentuckians vaccinated (have received at least one dose): 1,742,037
New cases today: 747
New deaths today: 9
New audit deaths: 0
Positivity rate: 3.11%
Total deaths: 6,485
Currently hospitalized: 434
Currently in ICU: 119
Currently on ventilator: 59
Top counties with the most positive cases today are Jefferson, Fayette, Boone, Bullitt and Warren. Each county reported at least 32 new cases.
To see a list of those reported lost to the virus today, click here.
Appointments Open at Federal Emergency Management Agency Supported COVID-19 Vaccination Site in Henderson
Today, Gov. Beshear visited Henderson to help launch one of two new Community Vaccination Center (CVC) sites, which the state is opening in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The commonwealth and FEMA will also open a CVC site in Laurel County. To learn more, see the full release.
Nearly $1 Million in Grant Funds Announced for Western Kentucky Communities
Today, Gov. Beshear announced nearly $1 million in funding from the Community Development Block Grant program for communities in Western Kentucky. Recipients will use funds to purchase land for the Western Kentucky Regional Training Center in Webster County and to upgrade the outdated Job Corps Sewer system in Union County.
Gov. Beshear also announced more than $750,000 from the Transportation Cabinet to improve highway safety near Kentucky schools. All projects will build a stronger, better Western Kentucky by supporting education and job training and providing modern infrastructure. To learn more, see the full release.
Gov. Beshear Requests Federal Funding for 26 More Counties Affected by Flooding
Following Gov. Beshear’s request, President Joe Biden granted a Major Disaster Declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky Friday, April 23, which included nine counties, to help individuals and communities recover from severe storms, flooding and mudslides that occurred Feb. 27-March 14. Today, the Governor requested federal funding to assist 26 more counties severely impacted by flooding. To learn more, see the full release.
More Information
To see all vaccination sites and free transportation options to and from vaccination appointments, visit vaccine.ky.gov. To see a list of vaccination sites that have openings this week, visit vaccinemap.ky.gov. If Kentuckians have questions, they should call the state’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline, 855-598-2246 or TTY 855-326-4654 (for deaf or hard-of-hearing Kentuckians).
To view the full daily report, incidence rate map, information on testing locations, vaccines, contact tracing, school reports and guidance, guidance for health care providers and the White House Coronavirus Task Force reports for Kentucky and more, visit kycovid19.ky.gov.