Dr. Stack says Kentucky leads region in percentage of population vaccinated

FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 29, 2021) – On Monday, Gov. Andy Beshear announced more than 1.3 million Kentuckians have received at least their first dose of one of three highly effective COVID-19 vaccines.
“We’ve now vaccinated about 40% of Kentucky adults – a really exciting milestone. We also believe we’ve vaccinated about 70% of Kentuckians who are age 70 and up,” said Gov. Beshear.
All Kentuckians 40 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. By April 12, all Kentuckians 16 and older will be eligible. To see all vaccination sites, visit vaccine.ky.gov. To see a list of vaccination sites that have openings this week, visit vaccinemap.ky.gov.
“Kentucky has been and remains the best performing state of all of our seven border states in terms of the percentage of our population that has had at least one dose of the vaccine – and that’s whether you look at the total population, the population 16 or older or the population 65 or older,” said Dr. Steven Stack, commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health. “Please get the very first vaccine that’s available to you.”
The Governor and Dr. Stack emphasized that while cases are declining in Kentucky as vaccines increase, it is too early to relax all precautions, as the more contagious B117 COVID-19 variant spreads in the commonwealth and across the country.
“We now know that in at least 15 counties across the state, we have found COVID-19 variants, the predominant one being the B117 variant (associated with the United Kingdom) and also some cases of the South African variant as well,” said Dr. Stack. “It’s really important that you take the vaccine as soon as you have the opportunity because if we allow this virus to spread too rapidly by not getting vaccinated, it has more of an opportunity to mutate and change, learning how to get more effective.”
Team Kentucky COVID-19 Memorial Fund
“In a year, this evil virus has taken now more than 6,000 Kentuckians. In just late January, when we crossed 3,000 Kentuckians lost to this virus, we began planting flags here for each loss on the Capitol grounds,” said Gov. Beshear. “To extend this honor into the future, on March 6, I announced the creation of the Team Kentucky COVID-19 Memorial Fund, which will help develop a permanent memorial to the victims of this war right here on Capitol grounds.”
Kentuckians can dedicate a donation to someone they have lost or someone they want to honor. All donations are tax-deductible, and donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes after donating.
If there are additional funds remaining after the memorial is fully funded, they will be used to assist Kentuckians who lost a loved one to COVID in reimbursing a portion of their funeral or burial expenses.
To make a donation or obtain more information, visit TeamKYCOVIDMemorial.ky.gov.
The Governor said he soon will announce an artist call to encourage submissions and proposals on the design of the memorial.
Case Information
As of 4 p.m. Monday, March 29, Gov. Beshear reported the following COVID-19 numbers:
New cases today: 310
New deaths today: 11
New audit deaths: 0
Positivity rate: 2.89%
Total deaths: 6,042
Currently hospitalized: 364
Currently in ICU: 87
Currently on ventilator: 41
Top counties with the most positive cases today are: Jefferson, Kenton, Carter and Harlan. Each county reported at least 15 new cases.
To see a list of those reported lost to the virus today, click here.
To help protect lives as we finish the fight against COVID-19, today the Governor signed an executive order extending Kentucky’s mask mandate for another 30 days.
Auto Supplier Eberspaecher North America Plans 214 Jobs with New Louisville Facility
Eberspaecher North America Inc., a system developer and supplier of exhaust technology, thermal management systems and automotive electronics, is expected to create 214 quality job opportunities with a more than $30 million investment to establish a new operation in Louisville, Gov. Beshear announced today. To learn more, see the full release.
Memorial – Tim Jackson
“Today we are honoring the life of Tim Jackson of Prospect, who passed away on March 1 of COVID-19 at 74 years old,” said Gov. Beshear. “Tim was an all-around great guy. He dedicated his life to others, always serving those in need in his spare time and through his career as an educator. Tim was a coach, teacher, principal and superintendent before joining the leadership team at what is now the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. We spoke to his friend Jim who called him the ultimate role model.
“The light of his life was his family. He married his wife Paula in 1968, and together they had three children – Paul, Kristie and Shannon – and seven grandchildren. His family was his priority. His friend said while Tim loved golf, his number one hobby was caring for his grandkids. He was so proud and loved them more than anything. You knew if Tim backed out of a game it was for good reason – it was for more time with those kiddos.
“Today, we lift Tim’s family in prayer. Let us light our homes green and ring our bells in his honor, and to show compassion to Paula, their three kids and grandkids.”
$4.3 Million from Land and Water Conservation Fund
Today, Gov. Beshear said more than $4.3 million has been awarded from the Land and Water Conservation Fund for 41 Kentucky communities to improve parks and recreational spaces across the commonwealth. To learn more, see the full release.
College Access Program Makes Higher Education More Affordable for Kentucky Students
Kentucky students who need financial aid to pay for college or technical training will have more help this fall, according to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) and the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.
Through a combination of more state funding, supported by Gov. Beshear and the Kentucky General Assembly, and a changing applicant population, KHEAA is increasing the maximum awards for College Access Program grants, which provide need-based assistance to undergraduate students. To learn more, see the full release.
Gov. Beshear, Faith Leaders Promote Event to Vaccinate 2,500 Kentuckians
On Saturday, Gov. Beshear and faith leaders representing more than 50 churches attended a 12-hour vaccination event organized by UofL Health in West Louisville, which included 2,500 available appointments for Kentuckians to be vaccinated. To learn more, see the full release.
More Information
To see all vaccination sites and free transportation options to and from vaccination appointments, visit vaccine.ky.gov. To see a list of vaccination sites that have openings this week, visit vaccinemap.ky.gov. If Kentuckians have questions, they should call the state’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline, 855-598-2246 or TTY 855-326-4654 (for deaf or hard-of-hearing Kentuckians).
To view the full daily report, incidence rate map, information on testing locations, vaccines, contact tracing, school reports and guidance, guidance for health care providers and the White House Coronavirus Task Force reports for Kentucky and more, visit kycovid19.ky.gov.