Officials with the Henderson Water Utility says the community has nothing to be concerned about when it comes to the runoff from the Jim Beam Distillery fire earlier this month.
It appears the leading edge of the spill will reach the Henderson area sometime this afternoon afternoon, after having entered the Ohio River on Monday.
The local utility notes the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitary Commission (ORSANCO) maintains highly sophisticated monitoring equipment at locations along the River downstream from the spill, including at the Louisville Water Company and the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility intake upstream from Henderson. These monitoring stations are not expected to detect the spill as it passes, due to the high flow rate of the Ohio River and the dilution provided by a large body of water.
The runoff from the three day blaze led to a “severe” fish kill on the Kentucky River due to a lack of oxygen in the water, according to the Division of Water.
The Henderson Water Utility expects the remnants of alcohol & bourbon in the water to be below the level of possible detection.
So, if you were planning to head to the boat ramps to fill a glass or a flask, the utility says don’t bother.
Drinking water straight from the Ohio River is never recommended.