Due to the closing of the landfill, the City of Uniontown has been forced to contract for the pickup and disposal of sanitation.
Uniontown officials tell WMSK News the City has contracted with Tri-County Waste in Morganfield.
Beginning the first week of January 2016, City of Uniontown officials say sanitation will be picked up on Wednesday, January 6th. Officials prefer residents to place trash containers at the curb the prior night.
According to Uniontown officials, all sanitation must be inside a garbage container limited to three thirty-gallon containers, or one 90 gallon container per resident.
In addition, City of Uniontown officials say the sanitation rates are as follows: Residential – $17.00 per month and $19.00 per month with a 90 gallon tote, which the resident must notify City Hall and request, and then it will be provided by the contractor.
For further information, contact Uniontown City Hall during normal business hours, weekdays 8am to 4pm.