FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 20, 2016) – The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) today announced the immediate suspension of Lil’ Kings and Queens Child Care licenses to operate following the death of a child in the facility’s care. Lil’ Kings and Queens operates two child care facilities located on Terry Road in Louisville.
The CHFS Office of Inspector General received a complaint Tuesday morning that a staff person providing transportation services for Lil’ Kings and Queens had left a two-year-old child unattended in a vehicle for several hours on Monday. The incident resulted in the child’s death. During the investigation, the OIG determined a staff member employed by the center picked up the child from his residence and, evidence indicates, failed to deliver the child to the facility as planned.
These regulatory violations constitute an immediate threat to the health, safety and welfare of children in the care of Lil’ Kings and Queens. Therefore, an emergency licensure suspension was implemented this afternoon and will remain in effect for both facilities, pending completion of the investigation.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the little boy’s family and all the children and families impacted by this tragedy,” said CHFS Cabinet Secretary Vickie Yates Brown Glisson. “Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens is our highest priority and we will not hesitate to take action against facilities that place children in harm’s way.”
CHFS staff are working to find new day care services for the families of the children who attended Li’ Kings and Queens. Additionally, the cabinet is offering counseling services through Seven Counties Services for the children who attended the day care where the toddler who died. Cabinet staff are on-site working directly with family members.
The two emergency suspension orders are attached as part of this email. For more information about reporting complaints or concerns at Kentucky child care facilities, visit or call (502) 564-7962