The much anticipated vote regarding the proposed site location of the Transfer Station on McFall Road ended in a tie vote this morning.
The vote was 3-3 with District 1 Magistrate Gary Day, District 2 Magistrate Jerri Floyd and Judge-Executive Jody Jenkins voted yes for the transfer station site, while District 3 Magistrate Chuck Voss, District 4 Magistrate Joe Wells and District 5 Magistrate Joe Clements voted no.
Prior to the vote, magistrates voiced their position on the proposed Transfer Station. District 4 Magistrate Joe Wells led off the discussion. Here is a portion of his comments…
District 5 Magistrate Joe Clements spoke up next and started he is a strong believer in free enterprise and he’s all for Kanipe having a transfer station, but he’s concerned about the location site and the dangers presented by the entrance on McFall Road and pulling out on US60W
District 3 Magistrate Chuck Voss echoed the comments made by Clements and Wells.
District 1 Magistrate Gary Day stated he had received a lot of telephone calls voicing both directions, and added that he was amazed of how uninformed the people of Union County are.
District 2 Magistrate Jerri Floyd also commented…
Since the vote ended in a 3-3 tie, it was explained to me that the application process is a done deal, meaning another application would need be submitted by Tri-County Waste owner Gus Kanipe of a new proposed site location. If that occurs, the application process would start all over again.
The application filed by Tri-County Waste Owner Gus Kanipe has already been approved by fiscal court. Several residents that live by the proposed transfer station site on McFall Road voiced their displeasure during a public hearing a couple of months ago regarding the proposed location site, although most agreed Union County needed a transfer station, just not in their neighborhood.
In other action, magistrates approved the second reading of the 2016-2017 Budget of $9,679,368.53, and they approved the Sheriff’s Property, Oil and Franchise Tax Settlement.
And Union County Public Schools’ Superintendent Patricia Sheffer presented magistrates with the district’s 3 year Strategic Plan as reported in the school board story.
The next regularly scheduled fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. at the Union County Courthouse.