Clusters of storms that swept across western Kentucky and the listening area Tuesday dumped about two inches of rain in a short period of time flooding local highways, and then later in the day severe thunderstorms spawned tornadoes that touched down in Union, Graves and Trigg Counties.
Locally, around 1:00 p.m. Tuesday about two inches of rainfall forced several roads to be closed due to flooding and traffic had to be rerouted. The heavy rainfall also caused a lot of water to pond on roadways, and caused hazardous driving conditions until the water receded.
Around 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, a cluster of severe storms prompted a tornado warning for Union County. Union County Emergency Management Director Vernon Martin tells WMSK News they found one location on Blue Road where a tornado possibly touched down causing damage to a large number of trees. At this time, he is unsure of the length and width of the possible tornado’s path.
In addition, WMSK News received a report from a local resident this morning that two grain bins were destroyed on the Baird Farm off of Blue Road near Spring Grove.
Fortunately, there were no injuries reported.
You can view some of the pictures snapped by local residents on WMSK’s Facebook page.
(Featured Picture Credit: Stephanie Musser Hall)