…Temperatures Quick to Fall Below Freezing, May Create Slick
Spots on Area Roadways This Evening…
Light precipitation falling this afternoon may pose a hazard
early this evening, as temperatures plummet below freezing. A
swath of rain changing to snow produced a dusting for some, mainly
from southern Illinois into southwest Indiana and northwest
Kentucky. This was mainly on grassy surfaces.
Elsewhere lesser amounts occurred, but all of it got on area
roadways, and if they remain wet as temperatures drop, do not be
surprised to see some slick spots develop. This will be especially
true for bridges and overpasses, and for a few hours after
nightfall, when temperatures will quickly be below freezing. Winds
will quickly dry things out overnight, but for a few early evening
hours, be careful if traveling and look out for flash freezing of
moisture on area roadways, as the cold air is incoming really hard
and fast.