Kentuckians Register in Huge Numbers on Debate-Eve Weekend


FRANKFORT, Ky. (Sept. 26, 2016) – Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes today reported a significant increase in voter registration over the weekend with help from a partnership with Facebook. On Friday, Facebook launched a voter registration reminder across Kentucky, and since then more than 25,000 Kentuckians have registered to vote or updated their registration using, the Commonwealth’s online voter registration portal. More than 4,700 are new registrants.

Over the last few days, Facebook users who are 18 and older began receiving a reminder at the top of their Facebook newsfeed reminding them to register to vote in Kentucky.

“Our historic registration drive has brought tens of thousands of people on to the voter rolls – just a week ago we surpassed our goal. But I’m incredibly happy about this weekend’s huge boost. Now, with 43 days to the election, Kentuckians are tuning in and registering. Many thanks to Facebook for partnering with us and recognizing the importance of registering people to vote so they can have their voices heard on Election Day,” said Grimes, Kentucky’s chief election official.

In addition to initiating their own voter registration process, people can let friends on Facebook know that they are registered to vote and encourage their friends to register, too.

“Going back to 2008, we’ve been reminding people on Facebook to vote on Election Day and directing them to information on where to vote. This is the natural next step. We want people to have a voice in the process, and getting registered means that there’s one less hurdle for them,” said Samidh Chakrabarti, Facebook’s Product Manager for civic engagement.

Grimes has been engaged in a yearlong voter registration drive across Kentucky. This fall, she is making nearly a dozen stops at Kentucky’s colleges or community and technical schools. Grimes is visiting with students, staff, community members and leaders and asking them to register, get their family and friends to register, and then to turn out on Election Day.

Oct. 11 is the deadline to register for the Nov. 8 general election.

All eligible Kentuckians may register to vote and check or update their registration at

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