Governor signs bills expunging acquittals, making Transportation Cabinet sole issuer of driver’s licenses
FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 28, 2020) – In the midst of leading Kentucky’s response to a worldwide pandemic that has infected more than 300 Kentuckians, Gov. Andy Beshear signed more than 35 bills this week.
Gov. Beshear signed legislation prohibiting selling tobacco, alternative nicotine and vaping products to people under 21, making the transportation cabinet the sole issuer of driving licenses including REAL IDs, and a bill automatically expunging acquittals. The Governor also vetoed two bills.
“While all of us should be focused on responding to the coronavirus as the number of cases grows in Kentucky, I will continue to evaluate the dozens of bills lawmakers are passing and sign those I believe will benefit the people of the commonwealth,” Gov. Beshear said. “While all of these issues could be addressed after we defeat the coronavirus, my staff and I will continue to look out for the best interests of all Kentuckians in deciding which bills should become law.”
Gov. Beshear vetoed the following bills:
HB 195
“I am vetoing House Bill 195 because, despite the commendable premise for the legislation in attempting to make publication of advertisements of local government actions more efficient, the provisions of the law would impede the public’s ability to receive the complete information of a local government’s actions and proposed actions, and further harm newspapers by removing the requirement that the advertisements be published in a newspaper,” he wrote in the veto message he sent to the General Assembly on Friday.
SB 5
“I am vetoing Senate Bill 5 because it could have the effect of depriving essential services to under-served citizens of the commonwealth. Special purpose government entities are created to be flexible and to move rapidly to address community challenges. Senate Bill 5 would hinder the ability of special governmental entities to address community challenges by shifting the tax- or fee-levying decision-making authority of those entities,” Gov. Beshear wrote in the veto message he sent Friday.
Gov. Beshear signed the following legislation:
SB 56 Prohibits the sale of tobacco, alternative nicotine, or vapor products to persons under the age of 21.
HB 327 Creates automatic expungement of acquittals.
SB 102 Reorganizes the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. CHFS supports the legislation.
HB 208 Related to commercial mobile radio service charges and declaring an emergency.
SB 148 The bill creates a process for farmers to apply for farm exemptions.
HB 135 Creates new rules for licensing physician assistants, especially those who prescribe medication.
HB 154 An act relating to powers of appointment involving power of attorney.
HB 229 Makes 911 services more efficient.
HB 276 Creates a new special military license plate.
HB 279 Corrects the list of military units in Kentucky that should be associated with the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs.
HB 284 Relates to probation program credits.
HB 271 Removes provisions which reduce line of duty or duty-related death benefits upon remarriage for military.
HB 313 The insurance fraud reporting and immunity provisions will provide another tool to identify and address suspected insurance fraud.
HB 374 Exempts collective bargaining from existing “rest period” requirements of 10 minutes for every four hours worked with the exception of those under the Federal Railway Labor Act.
HB 378 Offers protection to county clerks from any liability when they relied on a signed notarized statement by an insurance company on a form created by the Transportation Cabinet in releasing liens on a motor vehicle.
HB 417 Related to the requirement for the Department of Insurance to maintain financial accreditation by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
HB 453 Transportation Cabinet would be sole issuer of driver and operator licenses including REAL ID.
SB 38 To allow a court-appointed guardian or conservator to determine the disposition of remains after death if other alternatives have been exhausted.
SB 40 To require front-line Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services staff who work in child welfare and staff members of child-caring facilities to submit to national and state fingerprint-supported background checks.
SB 42 To require any student identification badge issued to a public middle or high school student to contain the contact information for national crisis hotlines specializing in domestic violence, sexual assault and suicide.
SB 60 Adds spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) to the list of required tests run on infants for heritable disorders.
SB 82 Establishes the Kentucky Eating Disorder Council in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
SB 101 Limits the number of required credit hours for certain degrees. The Kentucky Council on Post-Secondary Education supports the change.
SB 134 Establishes the Optometry Scholarship Program.
SB 186 Creates a required appointment of an assistant auditor of public accounts by the State Auditor.
SB 193 Establishes a goal of increasing participation in computer science courses by underrepresented groups and requires the Kentucky Department of Education to submit an annual report on public school students participating in computer science courses.
SB 125 Adds regulations for athletic trainers, particularly related to their training.
HB 98 Allows a court award under KRS Chapter 198B or the Uniform Building Code to include attorney’s fees if a certificate of occupancy has not been issued.
HB 156 This bill will assist CHFS or any other guardian, conservator, or fiduciary in accessing the digital assets of individuals under guardianship, and depending on the value possibly aid in the financial support of the individual.
HB 312 Requires the Kentucky Department of Education to develop processes to promote more expeditious enrollment of students in foster care who are transferring to a new school or district, and the sharing of information among schools, school districts, Department for Community Based Services, and a child’s caseworker.
HB 331 This legislation conforms to the federal SECURE Act and allows the state-sponsored 529 educational savings plan trust known as KY Saves 529 to be used for apprenticeship programs, as well as for student loan payments for account beneficiaries or their siblings up to $10,000 per person.
HB 366 Establishes guidelines for the operation and management of the model and practice schools operated by Eastern Kentucky University.
HB 375 Changes the name of the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education to the Kentucky Fire Commission and clarifies that the attachment of the commission to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System is for administrative purposes. Also makes other changes to the makeup of the commission and its functions.
HB 420 Directs the Department of Agriculture to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act; establishes exemptions for covered produce and covered farms; authorizes a department representative to enter a covered farm or farm eligible for inspection; authorizes the department to promulgate administrative regulations; authorizes a department representative to issue a stop movement order for covered produce; establishes violations and a civil penalty.
HB 153 Establishes the Kentucky Mental Health First Aid Training Program or similar program to be administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
SB 50 To require the Department for Medicaid Services to establish and directly administer an outpatient pharmacy benefit program for all Medicaid beneficiaries; permit the department to contract with a third-party administrator on a fee-for-service reimbursement basis; require a third-party administrator to utilize the outpatient pharmacy benefit program established by the department.