EPD: Attempt to Identify Subject Passing Counterfeit Check


According to Evansville Police, the pictured person passed a counterfeit check for a $1900 collector bicycle from The Antique Market 211 SE 4th St on April 27th. The surveillance images are of the subject cashing another check. Police say the owner of the shop believes subject lives in the area. The subject is described as a black male in his mid-thirties, light complexion, approx. 6’4” or 6’5” and 270 lbs.

Police indicate the subject is often accompanied by a white female who is approximately in her late 40’s to early 50’s with dark hair worn in a pony-tail or bun. The female is described by victim as missing most of her teeth.

Authorities report the bicycle he stole in the scheme is described as a Schwinn “Black Phantom” manufactured in 1957. It is black in color with chrome fenders and a light is mounted to the front fender instead of the handlebars. The bicycle has white wall tires. The condition of the bicycle is described as mint. The attached photo is for reference and not the actual bicycle that was received.
052616 EPD Counterfeit Suspect

(Image Credit: EPD)

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