Anticipated vote on transfer station site on McFall Road in Union County ends in tie

The much anticipated vote regarding the proposed site location of the Transfer Station on McFall Road ended in a tie vote this morning.

The vote was 3-3 with District 1 Magistrate Gary Day, District 2 Magistrate Jerri Floyd and Judge-Executive Jody Jenkins voted yes for the transfer station site, while District 3 Magistrate Chuck Voss, District 4 Magistrate Joe Wells and District 5 Magistrate Joe Clements voted no.

Prior to the vote, magistrates voiced their position on the proposed Transfer Station. District 4 Magistrate Joe Wells led off the discussion. Here is a portion of his comments…

District 5 Magistrate Joe Clements spoke up next and started he is a strong believer in free enterprise and he’s all for Kanipe having a transfer station, but he’s concerned about the location site and the dangers presented by the entrance on McFall Road and pulling out on US60W

District 3 Magistrate Chuck Voss echoed the comments made by Clements and Wells.

District 1 Magistrate Gary Day stated he had received a lot of telephone calls voicing both directions, and added that he was amazed of how uninformed the people of Union County are.

District 2 Magistrate Jerri Floyd also commented…

Since the vote ended in a 3-3 tie, it was explained to me that the application process is a done deal, meaning another application would need be submitted by Tri-County Waste owner Gus Kanipe of a new proposed site location. If that occurs, the application process would start all over again.

The application filed by Tri-County Waste Owner Gus Kanipe has already been approved by fiscal court. Several residents that live by the proposed transfer station site on McFall Road voiced their displeasure during a public hearing a couple of months ago regarding the proposed location site, although most agreed Union County needed a transfer station, just not in their neighborhood.

In other action, magistrates approved the second reading of the 2016-2017 Budget of $9,679,368.53, and they approved the Sheriff’s Property, Oil and Franchise Tax Settlement.

And Union County Public Schools’ Superintendent Patricia Sheffer presented magistrates with the district’s 3 year Strategic Plan as reported in the school board story.

The next regularly scheduled fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. at the Union County Courthouse.

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